BIOZ Contracts

🔗 BIOZ Smart Contracts: Transparency at its Core 🔗

At BIOZ, we pride ourselves on maintaining a transparent and trustworthy environment for our community. An essential aspect of this transparency lies in openly sharing the details of our smart contracts. These contracts form the backbone of our ecosystem, ensuring fair, autonomous, and secure transactions across the board.

Below you'll find the links and descriptions of each major smart contract within the BIOZ platform:

1. BIOZ Token Contract

  • Description: Governs the issuance, transactions, and burning mechanics of BIOZ tokens.

  • Contract Address: 0x9E02B86A56B208058e41f442222FFFa6EBFbEFd2

  • Verified Source Code: [Link to the source code]

  • Liquidity Pair (BIOZ/USDT) : 0x49072B4bD92A1A9Da4b83ee8F2886A14218CB68A

2. Affiliate Program Contract

  • Description: Handles the distribution of rewards, tracking of referrals, and affiliate bonuses.

  • Contract Address: 0x422ec55a4ca16e3e4C41Fd6BBa86919Ae6733a35

  • Verified Source Code: [Link to the source code]

3. Token Distribution Multisig Wallets

  • Rewards & Liquidity: 0x8819AE0D62b1f604375B8BC210c5e40af4865143

  • Team & Marketing: 0xA17F127be19829561Bf8f6B200400caA3f57aC29

  • Treasury: 0x46C5d70C1207724c1645051867d499b3955D157D

For those keen on diving deeper into the contract specifics, we encourage you to review the verified source code linked. We're committed to open communication and are here to address any queries or concerns about these contracts. In the BIOZ realm, we build trust one block(chain) at a time.

Last updated