Gaming-Pass Rewards

Earn while others play, with BIOZ Gaming-Passes!

Gaming-Pass Rewards in the BIOZ Ecosystem


Welcome to the comprehensive guide on Gaming-Pass Rewards in the BIOZ ecosystem. Our Gaming-Pass is more than just a ticket to an immersive gaming experience; it's a gateway to a range of rewards that enhance your journey in the BIOZ universe.

Types of Rewards

1. In-Game Advantages:

  • Exclusive Access: Unlock special game levels, features, and challenges only available to Gaming-Pass holders.

  • Enhanced Features: Get access to premium in-game assets, enhanced abilities, or unique characters.

2. Crypto Rewards:

  • Currently fixed Price: 0.12$ per $BIOZ

3. Community Benefits:

  • Exclusive Events: Invitation to special events, both virtual and physical, where you can meet fellow gamers and enthusiasts.

  • Beta Testing Opportunities: Be among the first to test new games or features within the BIOZ ecosystem.

How to Maximize Your Rewards

  • Active Participation: Regularly engage with the games to maximize your earning potential.

  • Community Involvement: Join the BIOZ community discussions, events, and feedback sessions to enhance your experience and gain more benefits.

  • Stay Updated: Keep an eye on updates and announcements in the BIOZ ecosystem for new opportunities to utilize your Gaming-Pass to its fullest potential.

Last updated